28 Sep Answering Your Burning Questions: What I Eat in a Day, Small Changes to Make a Big Impact + More | Episode 200 Q&A
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For 200 episodes of The Darin Olien Show, I’ve had inspiring conversations with fascinating guests and explored how to live a better life. So for our 200th episode celebration, I’ve decided to turn the show around to you, the listener. It’s time to answer your burning questions!
Happy 200th episode! This wouldn’t have been possible without you.
For ten years, everyone around me constantly told me to start a podcast. I kept putting it off, until finally, it felt like the right time. Sure, I may not have realized how much work and dedication goes into starting and maintaining a podcast– but boy am I glad I did it! Thanks to my incredible podcast team, and a long list of amazing guests, The Darin Olien show has been a hit. And I am so grateful.
You’ve listened to me for 200 episodes. Now it’s time to listen to you!
I get questions daily on social media, through emails and even when I’m out and about. So I thought the perfect way to celebrate my 200th episode would be to answer some of your burning questions on how to live a better life.
So in this special episode, I answer listener questions regarding food, water, daily routines and how to save the planet by making small changes. We get into some good stuff! I look back on some of my favorite episodes and guests, give you tips on how to make my signature big ass salads, and just have a lot of fun. Thank you so much for supporting the podcast these last couple of years. I’m so excited to show you what’s coming next.
[00:03:05] Which guest gave you the most jaw-dropping moment?
[00:09:13] How do you find your tribe of people?
[00:16:41] How do you determine whether a company is trustworthy or not?
[00:22:50] What’s your ultimate morning or afternoon routine for good sleep and health?
[00:27:31] What’s your favorite food for muscle gain?
[00:29:33] What is your average daily diet?
[00:32:40] Water filters: which are the best?
[00:39:50] Can you name some simple changes that make the most impact?
[00:43:10] Name a guest or topic you can’t wait to talk about.
I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Darin Olien Show! If you want to support or follow the podcast, here’s how:
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Find the list of brands & products that get the big tick of approval from me here.
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Stina Robin
Posted at 07:07h, 06 OctoberHi Darling!
I’ve super enjoyed SuperLife & your podcast! I feel so much more knowledgeable about how my body works & how to best take care of it.
On Ep 200 I clicked on the link for AquaTru, but I’m not sure how to get your $150 discount. Is there a code I need to utilize?
Thank you for EVERYTHING!