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[powerpress] Aristotle once said, "We are what we repeatedly do." When it comes to having morning and evening rituals, nothing could be more accurate. On a recent episode of The Darin Olien Show, I managed to catch a moment with the guru of biohacking, Ben Greenfield. Ben...

[powerpress] The standard American diet is killing us. It’s full of processed, empty-calorie foods that spike up our blood sugar, causing us to pack on the pounds. It’s not just making us overweight, it’s killing us. On a recent episode of The Darin Olien Show, I had...

There’s a lot of pain in the world right now, a lot of anger and unrest. Adults are fighting with each other constantly. Everyone seems divided. What if a lot of problems aren’t getting solved because we’re coming at them from a childish perspective? We...

Today, the number of people that own a cell phone is at 4.78 billion. When you put that into percentages, we're talking about almost 62% of the world's population. That's a lot of phones, in a lot of pockets. We love our phones so much that...

There’s a difference between being fearless and courageous. It can be so terrifying to speak your mind, especially in today’s divisive world. You should do it anyway. On a recent episode of The Darin Olien Show, I sat down with my friend, Ronsley Vaz. Our conversation was...