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Healthy Eating

The winner of the Mixology Challenge for the #LOVEHowYouLive Challenge is Fit and Healthy Warrior, Yecenia Caban Jiménez!  We love that Yecenia took Darin’s base and added ginger to it! Yecenia's tonic is a simple, easy-to-achieve twist that adds some “kick” to the drink and...

Ginger has been around for centuries, and has time-tested, digestion-enhancing properties, plus a host of supercharged health benefits. This flowering plant in the family Zingiberaceae is used as  both a spice or a medicine, and can be eaten fresh, dried and powdered, or as a juice or oil....

When you first try ginger, it is sure to give your taste buds a kick: it’s pungent and it lingers, but like many other foods where you initially can’t understand how people could possibly like them (such as hot peppers or mushrooms) it grows on...

Food is an important part of our lives every day, but on Super Bowl Sunday, food gets an even bigger spotlight. You’ll probably be invited to a Super Bowl party – and whether you go for the football or the party, you are going to...

There is nothing better than finding a recipe that both fuels your body and serves as a fun, comfort food. Bet you didn’t think that pizza could be “super” healthy for you, but it can! This totally delicious recipe from my SuperLife kitchen will hit...