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Healthy Eating

Tiny, little chia seeds were first cultivated and eaten in central Mexico dating back at least 2000 years ago.  These small, but mighty seeds have reemerged in grocery stores and are growing in availability because of their nourishing, digestible, and low-caloric properties. Learn more about...

Pumpkin pie gets the spotlight during Thanksgiving and the holidays. While I am a big fan of healthy versions of pumpkin pie (here’s my favorite vegan pumpkin pie recipe) I am an even bigger fan of the pumpkin seeds that are discarded when making pumpkin...

Every year tiny little invaders, germs, adapt new strategies on how to sneak past your defenses and settle in like unwanted visitors! Those germs come in, unpack, and eat all the food; not cool! OK, not really, but it can feel like that. This tug of...

Some of the coolest, healthiest, most powerful foods in the world are easy to overlook. It’s like nature’s way of keeping them a secret from everyone but the adventurous, curious observer. Chaga is one of those foods. Have you heard of chaga? If you follow me on...

Sprouts are incredible super simple superfoods with major health benefits. And you can grow them in your own kitchen! I consider them an amazing superfood to add to your diet. Here are some simple ways to eat sprouts and add them to everyday dishes - try a...

Almost 10 years ago, while I was hiking in Africa on the hunt for an exotic tree bark, I had my first taste of whole coffee fruit. My guides were grabbing bright, red berries off the wild coffee plants near the trail, so of course...