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Fatal Conveniences

[powerpress] In this week’s Q&A, I’m going to answer questions on what my weekly training regime looks like, how often the average human should exercise a week, how I keep up with your healthy habits while traveling, some tips I have for traveling, and the easiest...

[powerpress]Plastic shower curtain liners are super convenient, easy to use, and easy to throw away after a period of time when they get moldy or mildew. However, not only is the plastic waste harmful to our environment, these plastic shower curtains contain a plethora of...

[powerpress] In the quest for self-expression and style, hair dye has become a ubiquitous tool in the world of beauty and fashion. Whether it's a dramatic transformation, a subtle touch-up, or simply covering those stubborn grays, millions of people around the world turn to hair dye...

[powerpress] Have you ever heard of Apeel before? Whether you have or haven’t, You may have already eaten a piece of fruit at some point that was covered in it. Apeel is a plant-based coating or ‘peel’ that helps produce stay fresh for longer by slowing water...

[powerpress] Toothpaste is a staple in our daily routines, and has been since as early as 3000 BCE. But as we have evolved as humans, so has our toothpaste. Packed with synthetic colors, artificial sweeteners, and chemical additives, they raise concerns about their negative effects on...