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Fatal Conveniences

[powerpress] Who doesn’t love a breath of fresh air? Especially if it’s clean air purified from dust, pet dander, and other microparticles. Air purifiers are extremely popular nowadays– which is a good thing. Because recent studies from the EPA show that indoor air quality can be...

[powerpress]Nylon isn’t just for fabrics and clothing. In fact, many cooking utensils, like the cheap ones you find at supermarkets or discount stores, are made of nylon. Because nylon is a thermoplastic, it becomes flexible when heated, and then solidifies when cooled. That sounds perfect...

[powerpress] It’s nice to walk into a room and smell something pleasant like vanilla or pumpkin spice. Fresh, pleasing smells are like a jolt to our brains. But if those scents are made from synthetic chemicals, they’re doing a lot more to your body than you...

[powerpress] Windex has been a household name for decades. People use those bright blue glass cleaner sprays to keep their windows and mirrors streak-free. But that fumey chemical smell should be a warning sign of all the toxic ingredients in a bottle of window cleaner. There’s...

[powerpress] The sparkling water market has boomed in the last decade, making carbonated water all the rage. While fizzy water seems like a healthy alternative to sugary sodas, it may not be as healthy as you think it is. WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Sparkling water is fun...

[powerpress] Who doesn’t love a nice dip in the pool? I know I do! When I was a kid, you couldn’t get me out of the swimming pool in the summer. But the majority of backyard and public pools are chlorine pools. If chlorine is strong...