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Fatal Conveniences

[powerpress] Let’s just cut to the chase on this one. Why are we spraying our healthy fruits and vegetables with toxic chemicals? Sure, weedkillers, or herbicides, are meant to kill “weeds”. But does the killing stop there? WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Weedkillers and pesticides are full of toxic...

[powerpress]They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. So of course there would be a desire to make those eyes pop. But using eyeliner to define your eyes may not be as harmless as you think.WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. The area around your eyes...

[powerpress] It is absolutely necessary to filter the contaminants out of your tap water before drinking. But does your filtered water contain the necessary electrolytes that your body so desperately needs? WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Nearly 75% of Americans are dehydrated. But it’s not just water their bodies...

[powerpress] Those little snack packages sure are convenient. But what makes them so colorful and shiny? And are those chemicals and dyes soaking into your food? It’s time we looked a little closer at snack wrappers and what they’re doing to our collective health. WELCOME TO Fatal...

[powerpress] If you’re a woman who uses tampons during your period, you’ll use about 16,000 of them in your lifetime. Do you know what’s in your tampons? And if they’re safe for the most sensitive part of your body? WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. About 70% of menstruating women...

[powerpress] Trends come and go in the blink of an eye. Fast fashion is a way to keep up with those trends. The clothes are cheap, easy to find and come in every color of the rainbow. It makes it easy to afford a different outfit...