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Fatal Conveniences

[powerpress] Commercial flying is necessary. We can’t get everywhere by horse and buggy anymore. And I don’t know about you, but I can’t spend weeks on a train or ocean liner. So airplanes are essential. But what do they do to the human body? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™. By...

[powerpress] I grew up eating sandwiches made on Wonder Bread, full of processed meat and cheese. Thank goodness those days are over. Or are they? That white bread you buy at the grocery store may look appetizing, but what is it doing to your health? Welcome to Fatal...

[powerpress] Video games have been a global obsession for decades now. Although gaming may be a fun way to pass the time, some invisible dangers come from the game system itself. You don’t need to quit playing video games, but you need to be more aware,...

[powerpress] Do you turn on your air conditioning the second it gets a bit hot out? No one likes to be hot and sweaty at home. But do we really need to use it as much as we do? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™. The entire content of Africa’s energy...

[powerpress]Laptops have become our lifeline over the last year. Working from anywhere in the world has never been more convenient. But should we really be putting these devices on our lap, right above so many sensitive organs?Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™. Prolonged exposure to laptop use on your...

[powerpress] The average person spends nearly 3,000 hours in bed sleeping every year. That’s a lot of time spent on your mattress and pillows. Shouldn’t you be more aware of what’s lurking in the surface you spend ⅓ of your life on? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™. Memory foam mattresses...