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Fatal Conveniences

[powerpress] House fires are terrifying. Believe me, I know. So trying to protect our home and family from fires seems entirely understandable. However, chemical flame retardants are not only toxic to our health, but don’t even offer the protection they claim. What is going on, guys?! Welcome...

[powerpress] Pain can be incredibly inconvenient. But what we seem to forget is that pain is our body’s way of alerting us to a problem. Or it can be part of the natural healing process. This is not to say that chronic pain can’t be incredibly...

[powerpress] Sugary, colorful sports and hydration drinks have been marketed to us since the ’60s. They help you run faster, play harder and achieve your ultimate game. Don’t they? Well, no, not really. In fact, pumping your body full of sugar is counterproductive to living a...

[powerpress]Pay attention to the way you breathe. Take a deep breath in right now. Are your shoulders raising? If so, you’re probably shallow breathing. Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™Shallow breathing keeps us in a perpetual state of stress.When you’re stressed, your breathing quickens and you inhale shallowly....

[powerpress] The holiday season in America comes with a lot of food. There’s really no way around it. We’re going to be offered things we would never normally eat. But for some reason, we will eat them. And we’ll keep eating, probably till we feel sick....

[powerpress] I haven’t used a microwave in over 35 years. So I was shocked to hear that a friend was still using one frequently. You guys, microwaves are bad news. Sure, they heat up your leftovers in seconds, but what else are they doing to your...