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Fatal Conveniences

[powerpress] Have you ever thought about what your favorite jeans and t-shirt are made of? Sure, the tag may say cotton, nylon or polyester, but what goes into making those fabrics? Remember, whatever you put on your skin goes in your skin. And that’s just as...

[powerpress]The average American spends 1.5 hours a day in their car. That number may even be higher for you. Our cars, especially with the windows rolled up, become a small contained environment. The particles in the interior air of your vehicle get recycled in and...

[powerpress] A glass of milk a day keeps the doctor away. Well, that's what we're made to believe. By consuming dairy products daily, you may feel like you're ticking off another box on your healthy diet list. But what if you learned that there's a whole...

[powerpress] Did you know that each foot contains 26 bones, 30 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments? So, this insanely complex anatomical structure accounts for almost 25% of the bones and joints in your entire body. Not to mention the 200,000 nerve endings...

[powerpress] We’re outnumbered, folks! The estimated number of insects to humans is 200 million to one. This is a battle we will most definitely lose. Yet, we try in vain. In this hive of insect activity, repellents can help you steer clear of nasty stings and...

[powerpress] The sun is so incredibly vital to our health. When our skin is exposed to sunlight, it begins to manufacture its own vitamin D. Vitamin D production is crucial to many body functions like calcium absorption, maintaining healthy bones and boosting the immune system. So...