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[powerpress] Could your plate of greens be the secret to shedding those stubborn pounds? In today’s episode on the Darin Olien Show, I talk with Dr. Neal Barnard about the science behind the weight loss wonders of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. From...

[powerpress] We’re outnumbered, folks! The estimated number of insects to humans is 200 million to one. This is a battle we will most definitely lose. Yet, we try in vain. In this hive of insect activity, repellents can help you steer clear of nasty stings and...

[powerpress]Have you ever considered that your quest for eternal youth could be silently sabotaging your health? My latest solo episode peels back the glossy labels of skincare and anti-aging products to reveal the 'Fatal Conveniences' hidden within. I unmask the startling truth about hazardous chemicals...

[powerpress] Have you jumped on the barefoot shoe trend yet? For those who have and for those who haven’t, there are some important things you need to know about the world of modern day shoes vs. going barefoot and both’s impact on our health. From ancient civilizations...