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[powerpress] You wouldn’t eat a bag of dried pellets made of meat by-products. So why would you feed it to your pet? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™ Just like humans, animals need proper nutrition to thrive and live happy, healthy lives. Most store-bought pet foods consist of low-quality meats,...

[powerpress] Why are more people not questioning the status quo in healthcare and the need for affordable and accessible healthcare for all? Welcome to The Darin Olien Show In this episode, Dr. Lana shares the necessity of questioning the existing healthcare system and advocating for affordable and accessible...

[powerpress] When traveling through a remote area of South America I came across this nut known to the indigenous tribes for millennia, but virtually unheard of anywhere else. As a global superfood hunter for over 15 years, I'm convinced that Barùkas nuts are the healthiest nuts...

[powerpress] Why do you do daylight savings? Is it actually necessary? And more importantly, what is it doing to our health? When it comes to Daylight Savings Time it seems as though economic interests are once again the driving force for regulation. Daylight savings time, although thought to...

[powerpress]In this episode, Luke Storey shares what steps he took to overcome his addiction and how spiritual surrender and deep healing contributed to his transformation and journey to self-love and self-discovery. His story is a testament to the transformative power of surrender and finding hope...