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[powerpress] Have you ever heard of Apeel before? Whether you have or haven’t, You may have already eaten a piece of fruit at some point that was covered in it. Apeel is a plant-based coating or ‘peel’ that helps produce stay fresh for longer by slowing water...

[powerpress] Ever considered how the minerals we take in from our food and environment significantly affect our health and vitality? The industrial revolution has altered our natural landscape and our health, leading to the demineralization of our food sources and, consequently, our bodies. What we can...

[powerpress] Toothpaste is a staple in our daily routines, and has been since as early as 3000 BCE. But as we have evolved as humans, so has our toothpaste. Packed with synthetic colors, artificial sweeteners, and chemical additives, they raise concerns about their negative effects on...

[powerpress]  Did you know there is no pumpkin in a pumpkin spice latte? In this episode of The Darin Olien Show, I chat with Vani Hari about the carcinogenic ingredients that multi-billion dollar companies are putting in the food they sell us. While most of these companies...

[powerpress]  For years we have been inundated with advertisements for skin care that fights aging and wrinkles. Women in particular have been targeted, as society has a particularly high standard for their appearance. In fact studies have shown that women spend almost 10 times more on...

[powerpress] Ever dreamt of being self-sufficient, growing your own food, and living in harmony with nature?  In this episode of The Darin Olien Show, we chat with Mark Trebilcock, a passionate gardening innovator, shares how his revolutionary Dirt Locker device is a game changer in our interaction...