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[powerpress]What does it mean to surrender? The main concept of surrender is to let go of control. You may think of surrendering as weakness, but it’s actually the exact opposite. Surrender is a superpower. We just need to understand how to do it.WELCOME TO THE...

[powerpress]Aging is a part of life, there’s nothing we can do to stop it. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t try. People go to great lengths to thwart the physical effects of aging. One of the most popular ways to combat wrinkles these days is...

[powerpress]Over the last couple of years, there has been a newfound focus on mental health. However, stigma and shame is still the number one reason people don’t seek treatment for mental illness. Since mental health is health, it’s crucial that we start prioritizing mental health...

[powerpress] How does your immune system work? What strengthens your immunity? What weakens it? Don’t feel bad if you don’t know the answers to these questions. Most of us don’t! It’s time to demystify the immune system. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Dr. Heather Moday wants to...

[powerpress] Let’s just cut to the chase on this one. Why are we spraying our healthy fruits and vegetables with toxic chemicals? Sure, weedkillers, or herbicides, are meant to kill “weeds”. But does the killing stop there? WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Weedkillers and pesticides are full of toxic...

[powerpress] As a society, we’re more divided than ever. We don’t listen to each other long enough to find common ground. To have a meaningful conversation, your listening skills need to be just as good as your talking skills. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Celeste Headlee knows...