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[powerpress]Words are a very powerful thing. But just as much as they can inspire and impact, they can also hurt and destroy. It’s for that reason that poetry is an incredibly magical artform. How can we use words, poetry and language for good?WELCOME TO THE...

[powerpress] Everyone loves giving and receiving gifts over the holiday season. But do we take it too far? Is all this excessive spending necessary? WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Nearly 5 billion pounds of gifts end up in landfills during the Holiday season. Americans go nuts giving gifts over...

[powerpress] We all know that eating healthy makes you feel better. But could certain foods actually help your body beat disease and heal itself? Science tells us they absolutely can. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Dr. William Li has always been fascinated with the disease fighting capabilities...

[powerpress] Decorating your home is a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Holiday decorations are bright, colorful and so much fun. But are they safe for you and your family? The answer may surprise you. WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Americans spend more than 6 Billion dollars...

[powepress]Breath brings coherence. We are faced with an endless amount of stress, triggers and madness on a daily basis in this life. Breathwork is a way to bring calmness to your mind so you can live with peace.WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOWJosh Trent knows...

[powerpress] Setting up and decorating your Christmas tree every year is a lot of work. So opting for artificial trees instead is a time saver. Not to mention, a fake tree can end up saving you quite a bit of money if you use it year...