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The Darin Olien Show

[powerpress] Ever considered how the minerals we take in from our food and environment significantly affect our health and vitality? The industrial revolution has altered our natural landscape and our health, leading to the demineralization of our food sources and, consequently, our bodies. What we can...

[powerpress]  Did you know there is no pumpkin in a pumpkin spice latte? In this episode of The Darin Olien Show, I chat with Vani Hari about the carcinogenic ingredients that multi-billion dollar companies are putting in the food they sell us. While most of these companies...

[powerpress] Ever dreamt of being self-sufficient, growing your own food, and living in harmony with nature?  In this episode of The Darin Olien Show, we chat with Mark Trebilcock, a passionate gardening innovator, shares how his revolutionary Dirt Locker device is a game changer in our interaction...

[powerpress]  Is eating meat an ethical practice? In this episode of The Darin Olien show, we navigate the often-unseen implications of factory farming on our environment and society, shedding light on issues ranging from subsidized grain, antibiotic resistance, and climate change with Peter Singer. Peter's expertise in...

[powerpress] When was the last time you noticed the love in your life? In this episode of The Darin Olien Show, I chat with Torrey DeVitto about the importance of keeping our focus on love. And by love, we don’t mean a significant other- we’re talking about...

[powerpress]  Do you usually eat your lunch at your desk? In this episode of The Darin Olien Show, I chat with Laura Putnam about how our society is built around sitting down. Our cities are made for driving, our offices are made for sitting, and our homes...