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The Darin Olien Show

[powerpress] We’re led to believe that traditional medicine involves seeing a doctor in a white coat, most likely being prescribed some pills for whatever ails us and going home. But over the last hundred years, we’ve lost the true meaning of traditional medicine. In fact, naturopathic...

[powerpress]We all set goals for ourselves– at home, at work, and in life. But do those goals challenge you? Or are they purposely easy so you don’t end up disappointed? Sometimes, quieting the noise of the world and going within your mind can help you...

[powerpress]If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that preparing for the unexpected can make a big difference. While not everyone has the desire to live off the grid, learning to be more self-reliant could be the difference between panic and calm.  WELCOME TO THE DARIN...

[powerpress] We are bombarded with thousands of ads on a daily basis. No matter where you turn, everyone is trying to sell something. But marketing gets a bad wrap– selling isn’t always about money. To market yourself, an idea or a product is to persuade. We...

[powerpress] Society leads us to believe that you have to be extroverted to be successful. That’s just not the case. If you’re an introvert, you have just as much to offer the world as an extrovert. In fact, being introverted is a kind of superpower. Perhaps...

[powerpress] We live in a noisy world– both literally and figuratively. In today’s point-counterpoint culture, it can be hard to silence the noise. But we need to learn how to. Because silence is the only way we can refine our perception and gain clarity. WELCOME TO THE...