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Simple, quick, and filling. Snack time will never be the same. You can make this recipe with any available apples, but using a Granny Smith apple adds a crisp, tart bite to the snack. Apples fuel your body with antioxidants, soluble fiber (which can help...

Ok, so a green salad on St. Patrick’s Day really isn’t that original, well, at all, but what about a green salad with the perfect blend of ONLY green ingredients and superfoods? Just because everything's green doesn't mean this salad only has one note. This...

Throw back a green glassful of this nutrient-rich shot to toast to your future health and longevity! Here's to your SuperLife! KITCHEN UTENSILS Juicer Shot Glass Knife WHOLESOME INGREDIENTS Use enough fresh cut wheatgrass* to create 2-3 ounces of fresh juice. 1/2 inch ginger (or use 1/2 tsp powdered) 1 inch Turmeric (or...

The winner of the Mixology Challenge for the #LOVEHowYouLive Challenge is Fit and Healthy Warrior, Yecenia Caban Jiménez!  We love that Yecenia took Darin’s base and added ginger to it! Yecenia's tonic is a simple, easy-to-achieve twist that adds some “kick” to the drink and...

Ginger has been around for centuries, and has time-tested, digestion-enhancing properties, plus a host of supercharged health benefits. This flowering plant in the family Zingiberaceae is used as  both a spice or a medicine, and can be eaten fresh, dried and powdered, or as a juice or oil....