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“Just Dandy” Dandelion Tea

“Just Dandy” Dandelion Tea

Pesky dandelions are edible from the root all the way up to the bright yellow flower. In addition to using the leaves in salads, you can boil the leaves, root, or flowers to make fresh tea, or get the plant’s medicinal benefits through a pre-made organic, all-natural tea.

Dandelion is a particularly high source of vitamins A, C and K, offers a good amount of trace minerals, contains calcium and phosphorous (which give dandelion its strong, distinct flavor), and also curiously contains decent amounts of protein, which you might not expect from this leaf veggie. Studies show dandelion root is a diuretic. It is also a liver cleanser because compounds in the root cause an increase in bile production, which in turn aids digestion and helps the liver to digest foods and remove toxins.

Dandelion is not a taste we’re all used to, so try this recipe to balance the new flavor with some older, familiar ones. The combination of vanilla and almond milk soothe the strong dandelion flavor, while still offering a great liver cleanser.

Note: Do not drink if you are allergic to plants in the ragweed family. If you are not sure, try a small amount to begin.

“Just Dandy” Dandelion Tea

Makes 1 serving


  • Dandelion Tea Bag (or one bag per serving if making more)
  • If making the tea fresh, use 5-10 dandelion flowers
  • 1.5 cups water
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 2 Tbsp almond milk (feel free to add more or less to taste)
  • Optional: 1/2 teaspoon raw honey, maple syrup, or stevia to taste
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon coconut oil


  1. If using fresh flowers, leaves, or roots, put them in a water with vegetable wash in a bowl. Swish them around for a few minutes and then rinse under cold running water.
  2. Place fresh dandelion mix (from above) in 2 cups water and let them steep for 20 minutes. Bonus: When the tea has steeped you can strain the flowers/leaves out and eat them!
  3. If using tea bags, brew tea according to instructions. Typically about 10-15 minutes in boiling water; Remove bag(s) and squeeze for some extra flavor.
  4. Add some sweetener and enjoy a natural liver detoxifying drink.
  5. Once seeped, add vanilla, almond milk, and any optional ingredients if desired.
  6. If you want a little creamy foam at the top, blend in coconut oil with an immersion blender or place in your blender of choice, and blend for 30 seconds.
  7. Pour into your favorite mug and ENJOY!
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