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Nasal Breathing for Optimal Health | Patrick McKeown

Nasal Breathing for Optimal Health | Patrick McKeown

#42 Patrick McKeown on Nasal Breathing for Optimal Health

What if major health problems could be solved just by teaching people how to breathe differently? We are a nation of mouth breathers, which is taking a toll on our respiratory health and our entire bodies. So, what’s the answer? Nasal breathing.


Patrick McKeown doesn’t breathe through his mouth. And neither should you.

Patrick is a breathing advisor to Laird Hamilton’s XPT. He’s a Fellow of The Royal Society of Biology and has been published in medical journals worldwide. I’ve recommended his book, The Oxygen Advantage, more than any other book in the last few years. In this book,  Patrick explains specially formulated techniques he teaches to reduce breathlessness during exercise, increase oxygen to the brain, and improve sleep and concentration.

Patrick’s exploration with nasal breathing began after suffering multiple respiratory issues as a child. He was a mouth breather, like so many of us are. And just like most mouth breathers, he was not aware of it. But his chronic bronchitis, asthma and sleep apnea couldn’t be cured by anything the doctors were offering him.


Patrick champions nasal breathing to people all over the world. His work on the relationship between breathing and health has helped countless people. I use his techniques, specifically while working out, and it’s made a world of difference in my stamina. But it’s about more than just having better workouts. Breathing through your nose can completely change your health for the better.

In this episode, Patrick and I get into all the benefits of nasal breathing. We talk about how breathing through your mouth leads to things like asthma, sleep apnea and a whole list of other respiratory issues. Patrick is most passionate about getting his message of nasal breathing to children, which is why he offers a free-breathing program on his website specifically for kids. So take a deep breath, from your nose, and take a listen to this one, guys. And if you have asthma, sleep problems, or have kids that do, you should listen especially hard. 

In this episode:
  • Patrick’s history with respiratory problems
  • The real definition of a mouth breather
  • The importance of breathing and kids’ cognitive development
  • Dr Karen Bonuck’s research on the connection of mouth breathing and sleep
  • Why most tonsillectomies are pointless
  • The role of nitric oxide in the body
  • Nasal breathing and COVID-19
  • The Bohr Effect
  • Nasal breathing and athletes
  • LSD – Light, Slow and Deep
  • The use of Myotape

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