What New Science is Telling You About Anti-Aging and Superfood Secrets - Darin Olien
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What New Science is Telling You About Anti-Aging and Superfood Secrets

What New Science is Telling You About Anti-Aging and Superfood Secrets

DOM_1516 copyDo you feel as though you have no control over how you age and what will happen to your body? You are in for a nice surprise. You do. Growing scientific evidence clearly indicated that set genetic codes are not your only fate. Instead, your adaptive DNA plays a significantly bigger role than was once assumed. So, your lifestyle, food choices, and habits actually matter. A study called Genes are Not Our Destiny, conducted at Harvard’s School of Public Health, detailed findings that showed our environment and lifestyle do contribute to our genetic expression: “Genetic changes are unlikely to explain the rapid spread of obesity around the globe,” the study stated. “So if our genes have stayed largely the same, what has changed over the past 40 years of rising obesity rates? Our environment: the physical, social, political, and economic surroundings that influence how much we eat and how active we are,” the study reported. Environmental changes that make it easier for people to overeat and harder for people to get enough physical activity, have played a key role in triggering the recent surge of overweight and obesity. What does it all mean? We need to think better, play better, sleep better, and eat better.

This, and other scientific studies, are finding a much smaller piece of our genetic makeup is set and expressed from your parents. A significantly larger percentage is reacting to the environment we are in — the food we eat, the water we drink, the thoughts we have, and the walks we walk. So instead of too many fast-food burgers, you could switch it up with a hearty quinoa burger and you may find yourself satisfied in a whole new way. This research is groundbreaking because it means the ball is in your court a large majority of the time. Think about that! I challenge you to try new things – to keep exchanging one ingredient for a healthier one. For example, substitute quinoa, one of my favorite superfoods (I explain in detail below), in place of white rice. 

IMG_1173QUINOA. Quinoa came from the Andes Mountains range roughly 5,000 years ago, in what is now central Peru. I first came across the magnificent golden quinoa grain when I was visiting the high altitudes of the Andes back in the early 2000s. As far and wide as the eye could see there was nothing but stones, gravel, and the curious vicuna or alpaca. Yet in this rugged terrain, a true wonder of human nutrition, quinoa, grew. I particularly remember a moment when we arrived at the house of a friend and work colleague, who welcomed my team and I with warm bowls of quinoa and potato after seeing our gaunt faces from the hours of travel and low oxygen levels. We could feel the warm, nutritious meal restoring us with every bite.

I want to share with you three top reasons why quinoa can help your body age well (it really is that beneficial):

  • 1 cup delivers 24 grams of adequate, nourishing protein, lovely fiber, and all the essential amino acids your body needs to thrive.
  • It is naturally gluten-free, easy on digestion, and fulfilling to the stomach.
  • It contains high levels of calcium, iron, Vitamin B-6, and magnesium.

I like my quinoa soaked overnight, and then gently cooked with fresh, organic coconut oils and organic, steamed broccoli or kale. Click here for an amazing quinoa burger recipe. How do you like your quinoa? Share it with me in a COMMENT below.


Purchase this staple superfood from either TruRoots or Bob’s Red Mill – which are quality-assured companies that have my stamp of approval.


Love How You Live,

Darin Olien


P.S. — If you are a science freak, check out this article related to genetics and environment from Science Daily, “Lifestyle Influences Metabolism via DNA Methylation”.


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