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[powerpress] Commercial flying is necessary. We can’t get everywhere by horse and buggy anymore. And I don’t know about you, but I can’t spend weeks on a train or ocean liner. So airplanes are essential. But what do they do to the human body? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™. By...

[powerpress]Do you ever get so stressed that you want to curl up and sleep it off? Moving your body, even when you don’t want to, has countless benefits. Living kinetically will get you on the path to health and wellness.WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOWDan...

[powerpress] Life is hard. And when your body is constantly in fight or flight mode, it’s even harder. What if resetting your system was as simple as learning an easy technique that you could apply yourself every day? RPR, Reflexive Performance Reset, is a simple technique...

[powerpress] I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Well, I don’t think we realize just how true that is. Unfortunately, our society has made it nearly impossible to focus on whole, clean foods. Instead, cheap, processed, empty-calorie foods are plentiful. But when...

[powerpress] According to the CDC, 128 Americans overdose on opioids every day. And millions more are addicted. When you go to the doctor seeking pain relief, you expect what you get to be safe and effective. But the truth is, in many cases, prescription pain medication...

[powerpress]How often do you hear if you eat this way or that way, or do this exercise routine, or eat at a specific time, you’ll reach optimum health? The truth is we have an entire universe of flora and fauna inside of us that operates...