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[powerpress] It now seems impossible to hide ourselves away from electromagnetic fields. We can’t see them, we can't touch them, and most of us can't feel them…even though about 17% of the population has electrosensitivity. But even if we don’t feel them, there’s still a biological effect...

[powerpress] Our invisible environment is swarming with electromagnetic fields and radiation emitted by our everyday devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and more. The possible health risks associated with these invisible enemies are often overlooked and misunderstood. In this episode, I’m joined by August Brice, an expert...

[powerpress] We can finally get back to traveling! This awesome news, but it does come with some costs. While I’m grateful for the effort airports make to keep us all safe, I don’t think we should have to sacrifice health or autonomy to do it. Are...

[powerpress]Laptops have become our lifeline over the last year. Working from anywhere in the world has never been more convenient. But should we really be putting these devices on our lap, right above so many sensitive organs?Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™. Prolonged exposure to laptop use on your...

Today, the number of people that own a cell phone is at 4.78 billion. When you put that into percentages, we're talking about almost 62% of the world's population. That's a lot of phones, in a lot of pockets. We love our phones so much that...