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The SuperLife Water Challenge

The SuperLife Water Challenge

Getting enough pure, clean water in your body is CRITICAL to living a SuperLife, which is why hydration is life force number two in SuperLife: The 5 Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome!  “If we pay attention to the water…we will instantly improve our chance for a vital, thriving life,” Darin shares in the book.

Water makes up two-thirds (TWO-THIRDS!) of your body. “Water is a miracle hiding in plain sight, a miracle that’s not just in your face – it IS your face. And your skin. And your hair, your organs, your muscles (70 percent water), your fat, your bones (22 percent) and your marrow, your toenails, and your brain and nervous system. A miracle that’s all around us. It IS us.” (page 45)

Water is the most neglected nutrient in your diet, but one of the most vital.”
– Julia Child

But in the middle of our busy lives it can be easy to shift hydration and drinking quality water off to the side. It takes thought and preparation to have quality water available throughout the day. But if we understood how powerfully connected water was to health and vitality, we’d stay a little more committed.

“If you feel thirsty then your body is already dehydrated. A dry mouth doesn’t mean we should drink something right away. It means we should have been drinking more all along.” – SuperLife by Darin Olien

Really take that thought in: if you feel thirsty – it is too late. You are already dehydrated! While it is easy to forget to drink, it is even easier to forget what an incredible, priceless resource water is. Most of us turn on the faucet and have drinkable water instantly available to us, but that isn’t the case in all parts of the world. Water truly is LIFE, and we want to celebrate that. That’s why, leading up to World Water Day, we’re launching “The SuperLife Water Challenge.”

Join us Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as we spotlight the importance of water and also celebrate the irreplaceable, indescribably vital role water plays in our health and the health of our world.

SuperLife will be sharing some simple, fun challenges over the weekend that will support your SuperLife and benefit the planet. You’ll upgrade your hydration and set up some simple habits that boost your health moving forward. We are at our most beautiful (seriously) and healthiest when we are fully hydrated.

Are you in?

Here are the challenges. Do them in order if you can, but feel free to complete them in any order that your life and your schedule allow. Use the hashtags #SLwaterchallenge #LifeForce2 #LF2 to share what you do!

Friday: Drink one more glass of water than you normally would.

Bonus Challenge: Drink your full quota of water using this equation (half your body weight in ounces. Example: 120 pound person drinks 60 ounces of water).

Saturday: SuperLife Your Water!

Glass after glass of plain ole’ H2O can get boring, but some simple additions (called infusions) can keep your taste buds – and your body – happy! Learn more about the health benefits of infused water and get recipes here!

Sunday: Choose one of the following ways to conserve water:

1) Take your shower in under 5 minutes. (You’ll save up to 1,000 gallons per month doing this).

Bonus Challenge: Taking a cold shower will naturally shorten and conserve water as well as give your hormones and immune system a boost, plus boost your body’s ‘brown’ fat-burning effect!

2) Don’t leave the water running while you brush your teeth. Turn it off! (This simple move can save up to 4 gallons a minute.)

3) If you accidentally drop ice cubes, don’t throw them in the sink. Drop them in a house plant instead.

4) Collect the water you use while rinsing fruit and vegetables and water house plants with it.

5) Don’t use any bottled water throughout the day. (Did you know it takes more water to manufacture a plastic water bottle than you actually get inside the bottle?)

Add more by checking out 100 Ways to Conserve.

Bonus Challenge: Visit a body of water and admire the power, beauty, and necessity or water! Send us a photo tagged with #SLWaterChallenge and let’s collectively flood Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the power of WATER!

To get clean water to kids who don’t have access, please check out

#WaterWednesday #WorldWaterDay #wateris #waterislife #thirsty #dehydration #hydration #currencyofLIFE @theraincatcher #raincatcher

Enjoy the challenge!


1 Comment
  • Traci Fisher
    Posted at 11:01h, 26 March

    Just heard you on Chalene Johnson! Super! Love what you are doing and the way you convey your message! Keep on keepin’ on! New fans and supporters are still learning about the SuperLife! 🙂 🙂 🙂