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Mayra Castro: Creating a Positive Business and Impact Beyond Profit

Mayra Castro: Creating a Positive Business and Impact Beyond Profit

In this episode of the Darin Olien show, we explore the idea of creating a positive impact beyond profit through strategic investments that benefit everyone involved. My guest in this episode of the Darin Olien podcast, Mayra Castro, shares her incredible journey of bridging two unique cultures, starting in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, venturing into academia in Switzerland, and eventually returning to her ancestral roots to establish her own company.

By looking to the Amazon as a source of innovation, trends, and sustainable solutions, this episode emphasizes the shift from a profit-focused approach to one centered on making a positive impact, encouraging us to explore collaborative efforts in crafting successful, impact-driven business models.

Born and raised in Amazônia, Mayra Castro is a lawyer with a master’s degree in international and European Law from the University of Geneva, in Switzerland. 

A multilingual speaker (Portuguese, English, French, Spanish), she lived 6 years in Europe, mostly in Geneva. A connector and partnership catalyst Mayra has over 10 years of experience in partnership development, project design, cultural translation and team building.

She was Head of Office of the scientific consulate of the Swiss government in São Paulo, in charge of establishing the governmental organization in the city and bridging Brazil and Switzerland in science, arts & innovation. 



What we discuss:

04:06 – Finding common ground between two cultures

08:32 – Giving back and mutual understanding

13:00 – The positive impact through strategic investment

16:52 – How to create a positive business

22:54 – Recognizing the Amazon as a source of solutions

24:41 – Deforestation of the Amazon

27:45 – How to help protect the Amazon

19:46 – Protecting the Amazon

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