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Bug Spray | Fatal Conveniences™

Bug Spray | Fatal Conveniences™

We’re outnumbered, folks! The estimated number of insects to humans is 200 million to one. This is a battle we will most definitely lose. Yet, we try in vain. In this hive of insect activity, repellents can help you steer clear of nasty stings and bites. But is our reliance on bug sprays harming our health?

Mosquitos are a pest!

Every year, a third of us will cover ourselves with almost five pounds of bug repellent to keep those blood-thirsty bugs at bay. Okay, so there is a good reason to do so. After all, there are many mosquito and tick-transmitted diseases to ward off: West Nile virus, malaria, and Lyme Disease, to name a couple. So, I’m not here to tell you that protecting yourself from bites isn’t important. But, if the repellent you’re using can fend off mosquitoes, maybe what it’s doing to you isn’t so great either.

In this Fatal Conveniences™, I break down the most common toxic chemicals lurking in insect repellents, such as DEET (N, N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide), the granddaddy of them all. I also explain how these repellents affect children and the simple things you can do today to keep insects away without sacrificing your health.

Bugs, insects, insects, Insecta, or insectum—whatever you call our hexapod invertebrates, these creepy critters are vital for our ecosystems. So, finding non-harmful, preventative alternatives is crucial for the survival of not only us as a species but also this incredible planet that we live on.

Don’t forget…

You can order now by heading to or order now on Amazon.


National Pesticide Information Center – Permethrin Fact Sheet

National Pesticide Information Center – DEET Fact Sheet

Made – Chemicals of Concern in Insect Repellent

Duke University DEET Study

Picaridin VS DEET: Which Is The Best Insect Repellent?

EPA Permethrin Fact Sheet

Cancer Incidence among Pesticide Applicators Exposed to Permethrin in the Agricultural Health Study

Plant-Based Insect Repellents: a review of their efficacy, development, and testing

What You Want To Know About Insect Repellent and Chemical Safety

EPA Information on DEET

Study on possible neurological and behavior modification and toxicity regarding DEET.

gov – Pesticides and Cancer

Health Hazards of Mosquito Repellents and Safe Alternatives

EWG’s Guide to Better Insect Repellents

Natural News Article: Insect repellent DEET is toxic to brain cells

Colmen’s Botanicals  –

Citrepel –

REPEL Plant-Based Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent


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