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[powerpress]Your metabolism is much more than just how fast you can lose or gain weight. The truth is, most of us don’t understand how it works or the role it plays in our overall health. It’s time to change that.WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW...

[powerpress] There’s a lot going on in the world - all the time. It’s important to stay informed by staying on top of the latest news, but how much is too much? The constant barrage of negative information pouring into your brain has significant consequences. It’s...

[powerpress] Firefighters are heroes. We look up to them because they’re strong, they’re brave and they put themselves in danger to help others. But more firefighters die each year from heart attacks than in the line of duty. How can plant-based eating help? And what can...

[powerpress] The average person should be able to live to the age of 93. But the average American life expectancy is only 78 years. What can Blue Zones, the areas in the world where people live the longest, teach us about living a long, healthy life? WELCOME...

[powerpress] No one wants bad breath. I think we can all agree on that. However, using brightly colored, chemical cocktails to clean your mouth is counterproductive. Not only is mouthwash full of toxic ingredients, but it could also be killing the good bacteria in your mouth. Welcome...