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immunity Tag

Do you understand how your immune system works? Do you know all the components that make up your immune system? How do you know if it's strong, or weak, or functioning properly? Don’t worry, most of us don’t know the answers to these questions. But...

[powerpress] How does your immune system work? What strengthens your immunity? What weakens it? Don’t feel bad if you don’t know the answers to these questions. Most of us don’t! It’s time to demystify the immune system. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Dr. Heather Moday wants to...

Every year tiny little invaders, germs, adapt new strategies on how to sneak past your defenses and settle in like unwanted visitors! Those germs come in, unpack, and eat all the food; not cool! OK, not really, but it can feel like that. This tug of...

Here is a great antibiotic, antiviral shot you can make right in your own kitchen. It just uses simple, whole food ingredients, but they combine to create an anti-flu and cold "bomb" against any viruses or bacteria.  KITCHEN UTENSILS Blender or Food Processor Medium Bowl WHOLESOME INGREDIENTS 3-4 whole lemons 1/2 inch...

Here are the five healthiest habits you need to maintain to naturally boost your defenses. They have a much higher success rate than a marginally effective flu shot, which is why I don’t recommend getting the flu shot if you are a healthy adult. 1. Wash...

Avoiding the flu during flu season sometimes seems “easier said than done” but I’m here to tell you that it is possible to stay HEALTHY all year long as long as you truly take the right steps to support yourself during the holiday cold and...